東京科学大学 環境・社会理工学院 融合理工学系. クロス研究室
Institute of Science Tokyo, School of Environment and Society
Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering

The Cross lab undertakes cutting edge research on renewable energy policy, biomass waste to energy conversion, hydrogen separation and storage, flow batteries, novel catalysts, machine learning applied to chemical reaction engineering, AI and VR/XR use in education, explainable AI and environmental toxicology. The lab publishes many peer review papers and presents recent research results at international conferences. To learn more about the Cross lab click on this pdf file
The lab research areas coincide with six of the UN Sustainability Goals. Potential graduate students who wish to join the lab that are self-driven and want to push themselves to take challenges will find the lab a good fit. International students (non-Japanese) can learn about Japanese business culture and Japanese students can improve their technical English ability. We welcome research collaborations with other institutions that are seeking external research funding projects. We have research collaborations with institutions in China, Korea, Thailand, Signapore and the Phillipines. Prof. Cross will retire in March 2029 after reaching the mandatory retirement age at Institute of Science Tokyo (formerly Tokyo Institute of Technology). Contract Prof. Cross for more information about the latest research activity.
◆1988-1992 Ph.D., Major: Ch.E., Minor: Mater. Sci., Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA
◆1986-1988 M.S., Ch.E., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA
◆1982-1986 B.S., Ch.E., Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA (Honors program)
◆2021, 2019 (2) Best Teacher, Schools of Engineering, Tokyo Tech
◆2019 Best Paper Award, IEEE Learning with MOOCs Conference, Milwaukee, WI, USA
◆2015 Best Teacher Award, Tokyo Tech, Best Teacher Award, Tokyo Tech Schools of Engineering
2016-now Tokyo Tech, Professor,
School of Environment and Society, Transdiscipilinary Science and Engineering Dept., Global Engineering, Development, Environment and Society (GEDES) Graduate Major; and Energy Science and Engineering Graduate Major; School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Materials Science Dept., Materials Science Graduate Major
2014- now Tokyo Tech, General Manager Online Content Research and Development Section, Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL)
2011-2015 Tokyo Tech, Adjunct Prof. in 3 different graduate engineering departments
2008-2015 Tokyo Tech, Professor, Dept. Engr. Fundamentals & Strategic Planning
2006-2008 Tokyo Tech, Visiting Professor, Ceramics Science
2002-2005 Tokyo Tech, Visiting Associate Professor, Ceramics Science
2002-2008 Fujitsu Lab Ltd., Senior Researcher, Atsugi, Japan
2002-2005 Tokyo Tech, Visiting Lecturer, Chem. Engr. Dept.
1996-2002 Fujitsu Lab Ltd., Staff Researcher, Atsugi, Japan
1994-1996 US-NSF CGP Postdoctoral Fellowship, Fujitsu Lab. Ltd., Atsugi, Japan
1994 Japan NIRIM-COE Postdoctoral Fellowship, NIRIM (now NIMS), Tsukuba, Japan
1993-1994 Japan STA US-NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship, NIRIM (now NIMS), Tsukuba, Japan